Start Living a More Positive Life: Time for Change

Positive Life3In our last post (Start Living a More Positive Life: Assessment Time), we looked at how well your current lifestyle matches up to the elements that are most important to you.  Everything from your career path to the company you keep can either add to your overall happiness or drain the life right out of you.  Perhaps your life requires a massive overhaul, or maybe it just needs a couple tweaks, either way the next step is to plan your new life and take action.   That is what we are going to work on this week.  We are going to come up with a step-by-step plan to turn all those wild dreams into your new reality!

So I’m curious how your current life matched up.  If you wouldn’t mind taking a second to answer the simple poll on the right, to share what you found with us.  For those who need a massive overhaul, just know you are not alone–that is where I found myself!  I broke free of my previous job and started my own art business.  My artwork is inspired by nature and animals around the world, plus I donate pieces to further charitable causes.  (Nature, animals, travel, creative expression, friendship, cutesy things, standing my ground, and humanitarianism…check!)  Sigh, much better.  I finally have the time to travel, ride my horse, train my dogs, explore the outdoors, and enjoy all the other great things life has to offer.  When it came to the people in my life, I decided to invest in the friends and family who were there for me and embrace the positive things in life.  As for those who overload me with negativity, it was time for them to go.  Then there is the townhome, we will soon be moving to a house with land where our horse can be with us and we can start homesteading–so excited!  I am sharing all this with you in case the changes you want to make seem too big.  This doesn’t happen overnight, but you can do it and you are not alone!

So lets start with those who need a career change.  For whatever reason, this tends to be a difficult switch to believe you can make.  Lets look a few of the reasons that might be holding you back and methods to get past them.

  • A guy/gal has to pay the bills and my dream job doesn’t earn enough money!  With how society is setup, earning money seems to be a necessary evil, however, there is no “one-size fits all” way to make a living.  Ditch the stereotype about rich doctors and lawyers, you can get rich doing anything.  Here is a reality check for you: According to Celebrity Networth, Cesar Millan (The Dog Trainer) is valued at $25 million and Martha Stewart (The Crafting Entrepreneur) has a net worth of $300 million.  Also remember that money, is not the same thing as wealth–true riches don’t come with a president’s face on the front.  Choose a method that makes you happy and don’t let false ideas get in your way.  Here are some ways to work past this reason…
    • How much money do you really need in order to live your dream?  Build a budget with a “have to pay” column and an “extras” column.  Look at where you can cut expenses to live within your means.
    • What different ways are there for you to bring in money doing what you love?  Sometimes your ideal life includes a combination of money making means.  You’d be surprised how you can turn the things you already own or do into revenue earning facets of your empire.
  • My (insert unsupportive member here) will disown me if I become a(n) (insert dream career here).  Repeat after me, “This is my life, not (insert unsupportive member here)’s, and I am going to live my life the way I was meant to live it.”  Sometimes people mean well, but their intentions are misguided.  You need to realize that no one knows yourself better than you do and only you can mold your life into the one you have always imagined.  Anyone who gets in the way of your dreams will have to learn to accept things.  This is not your problem to deal with, unless the unsupportive member is your spouse.  As a spouse, your lives are shared and you are going to have work this out together.  Just keep in mind that you will never be happy so long as you choose to live your life pleasing others.

Digital Rendition of the Patronus Visualization

Looking deeper into unsupportive members, we need to do something about the negative people in your life.  Life is too short to be around people who consistently make you feel bad–period, end of story.  It doesn’t matter if they are random acquaintances or family members, the effects these life suckers have on you needs to go.  Ditch this idea of blood and water, surround yourself with people who inspire you!  Now, I understand that some people are easier to “get rid of” than others, so there are different methods of damage control.  If you can’t get away from the people who make you miserable, you are going to have to shield yourself from them.  Sometimes you need to keep the door open, keep things pleasant, but not reach out to that person or initiate interactions.   You also need to have a weapon to combat the negativity this person attempts to inject into your life.  Being a huge Harry Potter fan, my method is to imagine casting a Patronus Charm that protects me from the joy sucking dementor–yes, I am a book nerd.  You need to find a method that works for you and stick with it so your energy goes into your awesome new life, not the dementor!

Now that you have all your energy ready, it is time to put it to use by taking up those hobbies you put on the back burner.  There has to be at least one crazy thing you have always wanted to do or maybe you are like me and the list is more than you can get through in one lifetime.  In this case, you need to make a prioritized hobby list–start at the top and work you way down.  Either way, build time into your schedule to make your hobby a habit that will fuel your life with joy and inspiration.  Make sure you are wisely using your free-time.  Life is made of moments that you have a hand in creating, make the most of the precious time you are given and don’t let anything get in your way.

Finally, we come to your living space.  Life becomes a lot easier when you set yourself up with a home that enables your ideal life rather than making it more difficult.  There are ways to make where you live better reflect the life you are putting together, but sometimes your home just isn’t a good fit.  This is time to put some thought into why.  Is it the house?  The amount or land?  The activities, or lack there of, nearby?  No matter your dream life, there is a home and community out there that will help you to embrace this.  Maybe the answer is moving–sometimes this means moving to a new place nearby and in other cases to an entirely new country.  If you aren’t sure what you are looking for, it might be time to travel and get the vibe of different areas.  Remember you can always rent  until you are certain enough to purchase a home.  Also remember, even purchasing a home doesn’t mean you are stuck there if you change your mind.

I hope you found this to be helpful motivation to make the changes you would like to make.  I’d love to hear your stories or thoughts on the direction you are taking your life, feel free to share insights by leaving a comment!

Did you enjoy this post and want to walk through the series?

Start with Step 1: Changes You Can Make Today

Then go with Step 2: Assessment Time

You are on Step 3: Time for Change

Start Living a More Positive Life: Assessment Time

Positive LifeIn our last post (Start Living a More Positive Life: Changes You Can Make Today), we spoke about envisioning the elements of life that are most important to you.  Lets take a look at those right now.  I want to help ensure we are on the right track before the next step.  For example: If money is on your list, you will need to dig deeper.  What is it about money that appeals to you?  Safety and comfort?  A means to explore what life has to offer?  Bottom line, something about money (not money itself) appeals to you.  It is one of many tools that can be used to achieve what you want.  Fame is another one that requires digging deeper.  What is it about fame that you truly desire?  To be loved?  To make a significant contribution to others?  I think you see the trend, but if there is one on your list that you aren’t sure about, don’t hesitate to ask–I am by no means the authority on importance, but I am here to help you work through this and live authentically!

Now that you’ve found those key ingredients that make you who you are, it is time for the life around you to reflect what you’ve discovered inside.  Look at your current life and ask yourself, “Does what I see match what I have discovered?”  Let’s start by looking at your job, where you most likely spend a majority of your time…

  • Does it reflect your values?
  • Does it allow you to express them?
  • Is it in line with who you are at your core?
  • Do you feel satisfied with what you have accomplished at the end of the day?

Now let’s look at the rest of your life.  

Your friends and family…

  • Do they share or support these values?
  • Do they add to your happiness?
  • Do they inspire you?

Your free-time…

  • Are your hobbies built around your values?
  • Are you using your free-time to indulge in this unique brand of YOU?

Finally, your home…

  • Does where you live enable a lifestyle that complements you?
  • Are you able to live the way you’d like to live?

It was a bit unsettling what I found when I first asked myself these questions.  I looked at my career at the time–I was stuck inside at a computer doing paperwork all day.  I didn’t have time to travel, my dogs where sitting at home without me, and creative expression didn’t go well with the conformity that was demanded.  Then I looked at the people in my life–there were a lot of wonderful ones, but there were also a few who were down right cancerous!  My hobbies–I barely had time and when I did have the time, I was too exhausted.  On top of it all, my home didn’t match. What is a nature loving, think outside the box type doing in a suburban town home?  This was a huge wake up call that I needed to make major changes in order to live a happier, more fulfilling life.  So I sat back down to do some more meditating, journal doodling, and talking out loud to dream up what my ideal life did look like.

This week is your chance to think things over.  How well does your life match up?  For those items that don’t match, what would fit?  This is the stage where you dream without limits.  There is no concept of what is or is not possible, only what your heart desires.  Next week we will look at how to make your dreams a reality.

Did you enjoy this post and want to walk through the series?

Start with Step 1: Changes You Can Make Today

You are on Step 2: Assessment Time

Next is Step 3: Time for Change


Start Living a More Positive Life: Changes You Can Make Today

What is “Positive Living”?  How can it help you live a better life?  And where do you start?  These are three excellent questions that we are going to tackle together right now in Part I of this post series.

Positive Life2What is “Positive Living?”  Positive living is an active decision to embrace and incorporate meaningful things into your life.  It is a way for you to live your life to the fullest by paying attention to the things that matter and making small moments count.  Living with intention is the best way to summarize this philosophy. You define what is important to you and then you choose to build your life around those things.

How can this help you live a better life?  Let me answer this question with a question, have you ever felt like there is something missing from your life?  You may not be able to be your finger on it, but you know it is the key to making your life what it should be. You’ve tried to fill this void with all sorts of things but, ironically, the missing “something”  is YOU.  This may seem like a strange idea, but let me explain.  Think back to yourself as that carefree child you once were.  You didn’t spend time wondering about what was missing or why you don’t feel happy because you were too busy living life to its fullest.  You were happy when you were happy, sad when you were sad.  You knew what you liked and what you didn’t, then you instinctively tried to get more of the good and less of the icky.  Yes, we lived in the moment and then somewhere along the way we forgot how to do this.  We grow up, get tangled in responsibilities, and lose sight of the life we were meant to live.  Well it is time to fix that.  Getting back in touch with the YOU deep inside is the missing key to getting your life back on the right track.

iPhone 699

One of my Soul Searching Doodles…at One with Animals and Nature

So, what is important to you?  This is where you start.  Really take your time thinking about this because it is going define the foundation you will build your life on.  Meditate on it, pray about it, journal it, talk it over with someone you trust…whatever helps you to get in touch with the real you that is deep down inside and already knows the answer!  I am a meditating, journal doodling, talk out loud to myself type of thinker.  Thorough this combination of very scientific techniques over several cups of tea, I came up with my answer.  Nature, animals, travel, creative expression, friendship, cutesy things, standing my ground, and humanitarianism are a few of the things I found at my core.  You need to find your own unique combination of YOU, and don’t let stereotypes get in the way of what you find.  It took me a while to work past the “hippie/princess”  box others tried to put me into, but you know what, bottom line is I’m just me and I’ve never been happier.

Take some time this week to explore inside yourself and make (a non-judgmental/non-conditional) note of what you discover.  Anyone brave enough to share some personal insight is welcome to drop a line in the comments.  Next week we will take this foundation and start building the life you’ve always imagined in Part II of this series!

Did you enjoy this post and want to walk through the series?

Next is Step 2: Assessment Time

Then is Step 3: Time for Change

Gobbled Up Extra Pounds? 10 Winter Wonderland Workouts to the Rescue!


Our 25lb Maple Bourbon Brine/Applewood Smoked Turkey

So if your Thanksgiving was anything like mine, you just gobble gobbled up a few extra pounds with all that delicious cooking.  So we’re a little fluffier, we can work it off…right?  Oh, and not to mention that now we enter the holiday cookie season which is certain to add a few more Ho Ho Holiday pounds!  So maybe we can just hide under sweatshirts for a while and hit the workout hard once the weather warms up in a few months.

Ummm, I don’t think so…not going down that road again.  This year we are going to keep in shape, feel great all winter long, and look amazing in that New Years Eve outfit that is hanging in the closet!  But…I also know I won’t be running out in the freezing cold like I did last winter.  Burning lungs anyone?  No thank you, I’m a fair weather runner.  So I thought up some great ideas to keep us in shape all winter long and love it!


Kent and I Snowboarding in Colorado

10 Winter Wonderland Workouts to the Rescue!

  1. Skiing/Snowboarding – If you are lucky enough to live near a slope, get yourself a season pass and enjoy the mountain!  Some slopes even feature night skiing, making it easy to hit the slopes after a day of work.  No mountains close enough to make regular trips?  Cross Country Skiing is a great alternative for flat snowy areas!
  2. Yoga – Why not give your mind (and your body) a tune up this winter?  Treat yourself to a yoga studio membership.  It is a great way to meet people, explore new styles, and get in-person guidance on poses.  If you are feeling a little shy or are on a budget, check out Yoga With Adriene on YouTube.  She posts everything from in-depth help with poses to full routines, and the best part?  It’s free!
  3. BodyRock – Some of you might genuinely enjoy going to the gym, but for those who avoid memberships like the plague, check out the BodyRock YouTube channel.  It is like having a personal trainer in your home for free!  You can follow the 10 week plan to get yourself through winter and never get bored with all the new workouts posted!
  4. Play in the Snow – Unleashed your inner child and have a blast.   Build a snowman, go sledding, or build a snowfort for that awesome snowball fight that is bound to happen.  Bring the kid or fur kids for a winter of family fun!
  5. Dance –  Ever see a great dance routine and find yourself daydreaming?  Why not use this winter as the opportunity to learn a few new moves?  Maybe you want to breakout on the dance floor at your favorite club or enjoy a romantic waltz at the next wedding you attend.  There are dance studios for anything from tap to swing dancing and it is never to late to learn!
  6. Ice Skating – If you live in an area where the lakes freeze over, invest in a good pair a skates and get going.  Not so lucky?  Find a great rink to skate on instead, most will offer lessons if you are new or want to improve.
  7. Snowshoeing/Hiking – There are few things more peaceful than strapping on a pair of snowshoes and walking through a winter wonderland.  If there isn’t enough snow, grab a set of yaktrax and hit the hiking trails.  Yaktrax are a great way to add additional/temporary traction to any shoes (your otherwise “bruised from too many falls” rear will thank you later)!  And, even though I won’t be running this winter, they are perfect in you want to run along the trails this season.
  8. Indoor Rock Wall Climbing – Did you know there is most likely an indoor rock wall climbing facility hiding near you?  This is a great way to lose weight while building strength.  If you are new to rock climbing, you can count on undergoing a safety orientation and the equipment provided for you.  Some even offer classes and programs to improve your skills.  If you find yourself going without a belay partner, try bouldering (climbing across rather than up)  just as fun and you can do it solo!
  9. Volunteer to Snow Shovel – Next time you finish shoveling your driveway, spread some holiday cheer and shovel a neighbor’s too.  There are lots of programs that match snowcrew volunteers to elderly citizens and other neighbors who need help to clearing the snow.
  10. Shopping! – You heard right, knock out that holiday shopping list and do some walking laps around the mall.  Check out the Mall of America and the Mayo Clinic Mile Program and these 9 Ways to Exercise at the Mall for inspiration.  Your local mall information booth should have information on their mall walking program.

My Colorado Hike without Yaktrax…Ouch!


I hope these ideas got you motivated to keep in motion this winter.  I can’t wait to get started on a few this week!  If you have another brilliant winter workout activity, please share in the comments!

10 Amazing Finds for Your Thanksgiving Feast!


Holiday Sangria

With Thanksgiving quickly approaching, I wanted to share 10 amazing finds for those still cooking up ideas on what to serve their family and friends.  Straight from my own kitchen is an amazing Sangria recipe that was graciously shared with me when I lived in Portugal.  It is super easy and always a hit at gatherings.


  • 1 Bottle Wine
  • 4 Cinnamon Sticks
  • 1 Cup Sugar
  • 1 Apple
  • 750 ml 7Up


  1. Combine wine, cinnamon sticks, sugar and sliced apple
  2. Set overnight
  3. Add 7Up
  4. Serve and enjoy!

To go along with that yummy beverage, I searched Pinterest for the most amazing dinner recipes from fellow bloggers and compiled the mouth-watering list below.  Each is linked to the recipe and I’ve compiled a shopping list below for those looking to make this their Thanksgiving feast.  I am looking forward to trying each of these recipes on my table this year!

  1. Roasted Honey and Sriracha Brussel Sprouts
  2. Roasted Asparagus with Lemon Parmesan Bread Crumbs 
  3. Rosemary and Garlic Mashed Potatoes
  4. Honey and Cinnamon Roasted Sweet Potatoes
  5. Orange Bourbon Cranberry Sauce
  6. Cranberry Pear Stuffing
  7. Rosemary Roasted Carrots
  8. Pumpkin Pie
  9. Applewood Smoked Turkey with Cider Bourbon Gravy


Shopping List

**Please check serving sizes on recipes**

Roasted Brussel Sprouts with Sriracha Honey Drizzle (serves 4 as a side dish)

  • 1 lb brussel sprouts
  • 1 tablespoon coconut oil
  • 2 cloves of garlic, minced
  • 1 teaspoon salt

Sriracha Honey Drizzle:

  • 1 tablespoon honey
  • 1/2 tablespoon Sriracha sauce
  • 1/2 teaspoon soy sauce

Roasted Asparagus:

  • 2 eggs
  • 2 tablespoons milk
  • coarse salt and fresh black pepper
  • 1/3 cup grated parmesan cheese
  • 1/3 cup seasoned bread crumbs
  • 1 teaspoon lemon zest, just the yellow part not the pith
  • 1 bunch fresh asparagus, ends trimmed and last inch of stalk peeled
lemon vinaigrette:
  • 1/4 cup extra-virgin olive oil
  • 2 – 3 tablespoons lemon juice, fresh-squeezed
  • 1 teaspoon Dijon mustard
  • 1 garlic clove, minced
  • coarse salt and fresh black pepper, to taste

Rosemary Garlic Mashed Potatoes:

  • 10 medium cloves garlic, peeled
  • 4 pounds Yukon gold potatoes, scrubbed clean and cut into 2-inch pieces
  • 1/4 cup butter, cut into large cubes + more for serving if desired
  • 1 tablespoon chopped fresh rosemary + more for garnish
  • 1 teaspoon kosher salt
  • 1/2 cup water
  • 1/2 to 3/4 cup half-and-half
  • 1/2 cup sour cream
  • Additional salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste

Roasted Sweet Potatoes: 

  • 2 large sweet potatoes, peeled and cut into 1 inch cubes
  • 2 tablespoons honey
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil
  • 1 teaspoon cinnamon
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1/2 teaspoon pepper

Cranberry Sauce:

  • 2 (12 oz.) packages of cranberries
  • 2/3 c. white sugar
  • 1 1/3 c. brown sugar
  • 3/4 c. fresh squeezed orange juice
  • Zest of one orange, plus extra for garnish
  • 1-3 Tbsp. bourbon (to taste)


  • 1  cup chopped celery
  • 1/2 cup butter
  • 1 package (16 ounces) seasoned stuffing cubes
  • 1-1/2 cups dried cranbberries
  • 1-1/2 cups chopped ripe pears
  • 1 cup chopped pecans
  • 1 cup minced fresh parsley
  • 3 teaspoons poultry seasoning
  • 1/2 teaspoon pepper
  • 2 cups chicken broth
  • 1/4 cup egg substitute


  • 2 bunches of small carrots (about 24), peeled
  • 1 tbsp. olive oil
  • 1 tbsp. minced rosemary
  • salt and pepper

Pumpkin Pie:

  • Homemade Pie Crust (full recipe makes 2 crusts: 1 for bottom, 1 for leaf decor)
  • 2 cups (15oz can; 450g) pumpkin puree*
  • 3 large eggs
  • 1 and 1/4 cups (250g) dark brown sugar*
  • 1 Tablespoon (15g) cornstarch
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1 and 1/2 teaspoons ground cinnamon
  • 1/2 teaspoon ground ginger*
  • 1/4 teaspoon ground or freshly grated nutmeg*
  • 1/8 teaspoon ground cloves*
  • 1/8 teaspoon fresh ground pepper
  • 1 cup (240ml) heavy cream
  • 1/4 cup (60ml) milk (I use 1% – any is fine)
  • 1 large egg beaten with 1 teaspoon milk


  • Brine
  • 1 cup kosher salt
  • 1 cup maple syrup
  • 1/4 cup brown sugar
  • 1/4 cup whole black peppercorns
  • 4 cups cold bourbon
  • 1 (7-pound) turkey breast
  • Turkey
  • 3 tablespoons brown sugar
  • 1 1/2 tablespoons smoked paprika (I used bourbon smoked paprika – so good)
  • 1 1/2 teaspoons chipotle chili powder
  • 1 1/2 teaspoons garlic powder
  • 1 1/2 teaspoons salt
  • 1 1/2 teaspoons black pepper
  • 1 teaspoon onion powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon ground cumin
  • 6 tablespoons unsalted butter, melted
  • soaked applewood chips for smoking (our smoker calls for about 2 cups)
  • 1/2 cup bourbon
  • Cider bourbon gravy
  • the reserved turkey neck
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil
  • 3 shallots, diced
  • 1 small apple, diced
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • 1/4 teaspoon pepper
  • 2 garlic cloves, minced
  • 1/3 cup bourbon
  • 2/3 cup apple cider
  • 2 cups COLD low-sodium chicken stock
  • 3 1/2 tablespoons all-purpose flour




Why I Ran 104.8 Miles…


Kent and I at the Diva 1/2 Marathon near D.C.

After 104.8 race miles in three years, I have decided to hang up my pink running shoes and step away from the racing world for a bit.  I will never forget the memories made along those roads or the lessons each step has thought me.  Running gave me a way to reclaim and love my body when I felt like it was going rogue.  A series of issues and hospital visits had left me feeling like my body betrayed me.  We were separate then, my body doing what it willed and I dealt with it as the soul trapped within.

This continued until I met a Spin Class Instructor named Andre.  He was one of those rare people who could bring out the best in others through his genuinely caring spirit.  He was always smiling and remembered everyone’s name, even if you came to his class once.  I loved this about him.  Being with him in this class enabled you to shed the weight of the world and see yourself as you did when you were a child…innocent, loved, and full of potential.  The best part of the class was the last song, this is where the magic happened.  Andre would walk around the room encouraging you to think of what was driving you to be in the class, then harness that energy and pedal through to the end.  That is when it clicked, “this is my body” said a bold voice within me.  It might be broken, but it is my body and it is still capable of truly amazing things.  In that moment I decided to love my body, even in it’s broken state.  I was going to honor it by tending to what it needed and I was going to push it to prove it was mine. So I set out to do something I told myself I would never do…I became a runner!

iphone photos 290Each morning I went out for a run and the most amazing thing happened.  I felt whole again.  I could feel my soul and body working together in perfect harmony with each step.  There was nothing but me experiencing the moment through the world around me…no hospitals, no fear, no frustration.  I wasn’t just running, I was proving to myself how strong I was with each stride!  My body was adapting to what I wanted, getting stronger and going farther each run.

This is when I realized that there are a lot of other things I had been asking my body to do that weren’t helping it.  Things like sitting all day in an office, skipping lunch, or dealing with the stress of unhealthy relationships.  So I started to put my foot down and make some major changes.  One by one, I shed myself of negative people and environments. I distanced myself from people who didn’t respect me or treat me the way I deserved.  I stopped pouring time into things that were bringing me down.  I started saying ‘yes’ to the things I enjoyed.  I starting living the life I should have been living all along and now, ironically, I am grateful to my body’s warning signs for being the trigger to freeing myself!

As wonderful as this was, it was not the only thing running did.  It also gave me a way to honor and fight alongside my loving Aunt Madeline. While I was going through my own (comparatively minor) health issues, my aunt was diagnosed with breast cancer.  I hate cancer!  I had learned that her body was also going rogue, so I did the only thing I knew to do with rogue bodies…I pushed my body harder to fight for her too.  With these last several races since she has past being the hardest, I have decided that running my last race during Breast Cancer Awareness month is the best way I can honor her memory.  After the Woodrow Wilson Bridge 1/2 Marathon on 5 Oct 14, I will have pushed through 104.8 miles of races in her honor and memory. I may race again one day, but for now, it is time to retire my pink running shoes for her.

My heart and prayers go out to all members and their families who have been affected by cancer.  May hope, strength, and peace be with those fighting the battle.

2012-2014 Races in Honor of Madeline Leyda

  • 2012 Rock n Roll Half Marathon, Virginia Beach
  • 2013 Rock n Roll Half Marathon, Virginia Beach
  • 2013 Rock n Roll Half Marathon, Washington D.C.
  • 2013 Rock n Roll Half Marathon, Las Vegas
  • 2014 Disney Princess Half Marathon, Orlando
  • 2014 Anthem Half Marathon, Virginia Beach
  • 2014 Diva Half Marathon, Washington D.C.
  • 2014 Woodrow Wilson Bridge Half Marathon, Washington D.C.

31 Ways to Celebrate October and the Halloween Countdown!

October is my absolute favorite month of the year.  The weather is just starting to cool, the fall leaves are changing colors, the sweet smell of pumpkin is in the air, and then there is Halloween!  I can’t help but feel both excited and refreshed when this time of year rolls around.  Something about October makes me feel so alive and at peace in my own skin.

It always seems to go by too quickly though, so much excitement and in the blink of an eye it is gone.  I suppose like the adage says, time flies when you are having fun.  This year, I don’t want to miss a thing!  So I’ve made a list of 31 wonderful ways to celebrate October and would like to share it with the rest of my fellow Pumpkin Heads!

  1. Get your culinary talent going with 31 Pumpkin Filled Recipes.   
  2. Horror Movie buffs can work their way through the 31 Scariest Movies of All Time.
  3. Get your ghost gear ready and visit the 31 Most Haunted Places in America.
  4. Curl up in your favorite reading nook with 31 of the Scariest Books. 
  5. Photography Admirers can check out these 31 Haunting Images of Abandoned Places. 

    Picture 023-PLCopy-(2)

    Abandoned home in Nebraska

  6. Try your hand at 31 of these 33 Awesome Pumpkin Carvings.


    Nittany Lion Pumpkin

  7. Or get crafty with 31 Most Amazing No-Carve Pumpkin Ideas.
  8. Don’t throw all those pumpkin seeds out, whip up these 5 Mouth Watering Pumpkin Seed Recipes.
  9. Spend some time with the little monsters in your life with 31 Days of October Crafts.
  10. Let these 31 Terrifyingly Creepy Vintage Halloween Costumes inspire your plan for this Halloween.
  11. Kick back and try 31 of these Must Try Pumpkin Beers.
  12. Take a drive through the Top 14 Foliage Destinations in the U.S.


    Fall Foliage at Penn State University

  13. Find your way through 31 of these Corn Maze Locations.

    DC 112

    My niece having a blast in the Mount Vernon Hay Maze

  14. Make sure to visit a few pumpkin patches, perhaps one of these 5 Best Pumpkin Patches in America.
  15. Get a good scare at The Top 31 “Must See” Haunted Houses.
  16. Enjoy the fall harvest at one of these Great Apple Picking Orchards.  Couldn’t resist adding this Apple Picking list from Travel and Leisure too.
  17. Get your blood pumping with a Zombie Run or download the addictively entertaining Zombies, Run! app to kick up the stakes in your training.
  18. Try out some of these great Hard Ciders.
  19. Do it yourself, Make your Own Hard Cider!
  20. Brew your own Pumpkin Ale!
  21. Drink your beer from a DIY Pumpkin Keg!  Lol, I love my pumpkin beers.
  22. Start planning your Halloween Party with 31 Halloween Party Ideas for your inspiration.


    My husband and I at our neighbor’s awesome 2012 Halloween party.

  23. Get creative with your party food with 31 Ghoulish Treats For Your Halloween Feast.
  24. Make one of these 31 Halloween Wreaths for your front door.


    The Halloween wreath I made last year.

  25. Real your Fur Kid into the festivities with 57 of the Greatest Pet Costumes.


    My sweet little Zippo as a pumpkin

  26. Read up on your history with 13 Facts You Never Knew About Halloween.
  27. Take “Trick or Treat” literally this year with 50 Amazingly Epic Pranks.
  28. Learn how the heck that superstition about black cats started and other Black Cat Folklore.


    Our black kitten, Onyx

  29. Don’t forget your pink, October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month!


    Kent and I at the Diva Half Marathon in memory of my Aunt Maddy.

  30. Enjoy one of the Great Autumn Hike in National Parks.
  31. Have the Happiest Halloween and countdown 364 days until next year!

Do you have a favorite way to celebrate October?  I’d love to hear your ideas and stories, just comment below!

Stay with the light…a lesson on humanity and following your heart

Be TrueFollowing your heart can be a daunting and scary task, mainly because it requires you to open who you truly are to the unpredictable world around you.  It can be a difficult journey, learning to love yourself for all your strengths and weaknesses.  Opening this up to the world can leave us feeling quite vulnerable.  There is no longer a barrier; just you absorbing all the beauty around you and trying to deflect the ugliness.  It is scary, but you need to do it anyways.

Learning to run an art business has been my big scary hurdle.  I’ve always wanted to do this, but I was trapped by other people’s negativity.  I’ve grown up with ideas like, “you need to get a real job” and “art doesn’t make money”.  Then I decided that I wasn’t going to let others’ concepts of success deter me from following my heart.  Have their tunes changed? …no, not really…but I have.  The more comfortable I grow with my authentic self, the more I say “yes” to it, the more wonderful experiences I open my heart up to receive.  It is scary being this vulnerable but I wouldn’t have it any other way.

This is truly living.  You are going to build beautiful friendships and burn bridges.  You are going to create joy and unintentional pain.  There will be days filled with sunshine and others with pouring rain.  There will be great accomplishments and difficult lessons learned.  You will laugh and you will cry.  There will be days when your heart feels like mush on the ground and  you will want to give up; you’ll want to give in to the darkness that is the anger and pain inside you. But anger and pain accomplish nothing until you can learn to shed your light on them.  There is no greater tragedy than encountering people who have yielded to their darkness.  They are angry, they don’t accept apologies, they refuse to move forward, and refuse to show compassion to others.  We all have these moments of darkness, we all make mistakes, but it is important to catch yourself and turn these moments around.  Light can turn negativity into compassion and with compassion we can continue to follow our hearts.  We can forgive, we can learn to love, we can let go, and we can move forward.

What we put out into the world (physical or online) is an opportunity for us to spread joy or pain to others.  We choose what we create, we can bring joy into the world or add to the misery.  Spreading our darkness can be like a poison that brings others down with it.  But if we stay positive instead and shine our light through the darkness, we give people permission to do the same.  One light turns into many making the world turn into a brighter and happier place.

I hope that each of you let your true self shine through in all you do, even if you are afraid.  Don’t give into the darkness, let your light shine!  Be true to who you are and share that with the world around you…it is truly a gift like no other.





Being lovely: Wisdom from Audrey Hepburn


The Last 13.1 Miles

My Pink Running Shoes

My Pink Running Shoes

Everyone runs for a reason; steps turn into miles and the journey evolves into a tribute.  This tribute could be to any number of things, from better health, to finding a cure, or the memory of loved ones past.  I started running after struggling with my own (relatively minor) health roller coaster, it started as a way for me to say that “this is my body” and no illness will take that away from me.  After going through times where it was a struggle just to get out of bed, I wanted to prove that I could do this, my body could do this because a body is an amazingly beautiful and powerful thing.  Prior to my first half marathon, I had never ran further than 6 miles.  I will never forget the triumphant feeling of crossing the 6 mile marker and thinking to myself, “every step I take now is the farthest I’ve ever ran.”  Each step felt like it’s own victory.

I will also never forget the people at the race, because they allowed me to see the good in humanity.  I ran behind runners dedicating their race to loved ones fighting illness or in memory of those who did not make it.  I watched strangers, fellow runners and spectators, cheering on those who were struggling with each stride.  I watched home owners along the route flock to the sideline to hand out tissues, or spray water from hoses, or hand out ice on a hot day to runners.  Perhaps the most humbling, were the Team Hoyt racers, pushing wheelchairs as they ran to the finish line.  For those who are not familiar with Team Hoyt, I encourage you to click on the link and watch the brief story of runners Dick and Rick Hoyt, completing an Ironman.  Little did I know at the time, but my own running tribute would evolve to be more like those of the runners around me.

Someone I loved had breast cancer.  I was at loss for what I could do…I felt so helpless, so useless in this fight she would have to battle.  It wasn’t until I went to replace my worn out sneakers that I remembered the runners from my first race who ran in honor of another’s struggle.  I glanced up at the hot pink sneakers above me, the ones with a “for the cure” breast cancer tag on them and bought them.  It was something small but it helped me feel like I was fighting by her side every step of the way.  Each time I stepped into my pink shoes, I felt like I was stepping into the fight.  Each step I ran felt like a step toward her victory and freedom from the bonds of cancer.  I told myself that I would run for her in these shoes, that my feet would run for her until she was able to again.  When my legs hurt, I looked down at my pink shoes and thought “these steps are for her…keep going”.  I ran race after race, often signing up for the next one within 30 minutes of the one I had just finished.  I became something of a race junkie, hungry for the fight and victory.

My run times were getting better and my legs hurt less, but the cancer was still progressing.  It eventually metastasized to her spine and her liver.  I signed up for a race near her, but she was now too weak to come so I went to visit her the day prior.  Her body was small and frail, but she still glowed with love.  I will always remember her walking back to the couch, wanting to be twirled and dancing with her husband…a beautiful soul.  She passed away soon after that race and my next race was the weekend after she passed.  65.5 miles of races I  had run to support her battle, but the most difficult miles were the first 13.1 I ran after she was gone. My legs hurt ; I’d look down at my pink shoes and think “this was for her” as my eyes teared up.  I said I would run for her until she was back on her feet, but now what?  She was gone…now what?  She would not be getting back on her feet, but my feet were still running.  Each step hurt, not in my feet, but in my heart.  My foot strikes pavement, but she is gone.  It wasn’t until mile 10 that I started to look around me again.  I saw a man running with a sign on his back…”In Honor of My Mom“…another one…”In Honor of Aunt Sue“…and another…”In memory of My Sister“.  In memory of…I thought of her and the last memory I had of her.  The memory of her husband delicately twirling her as she danced her way back to the couch.  I realized what a beautiful gift she had given me with that memory.  I looked back down at my shoes and realized that these runs will always be for her.  I cried as I crossed the finish line, the weight of her loss hitting me again.  There would be others in the future to add to the list of who I run for, but she will always be there.  These runs are where I find them.